1:1 Coaching

Confidential coaching personalized to your situation and lived experiences - no fixed curriculum, no narrow frameworks. A direct coaching relationship should be as unique as the path you’re on.

1:1 Coaching

Why do you want a coach?

Coaching isn’t necessary - it’s valuable. You might see yourself seeking coaching if any of the following are true for you:

  1. I feel tired
  2. I’m overwhelmed with expectations
  3. I need to make a critical change with big risks and big rewards
  4. I’m striving to cultivate a culture of excellence
  5. I’m getting negative feedback and I don’t know what to do with it

Working with you changed my life. -Mike A., Entrepreneur

How is this going to help?

Coaching is a process that centers all of your power and skilled knowledge and operates from the truth that you have the ability to produce any outcomes you desire. Through conversation, insight, and wisdom, I support you as you discover how you’re going to make that happen.

I was extremely overwhelmed and scared, but somehow your belief in me made me push through and fight… I love what I do now, and I am excited to go to work, because every day I see progress in myself and my skills. -Sylwia M., Director of Technology

Coaching is transformative. Drawing on my 20+ years of experience as an employee, a manager, an executive, an entrepreneur, and a coach, I make that transformation take less time, require less energy, and reduce the cost of mistakes. As your coach, I am a catalyst for your transformation.

What does it look like?

I conduct my private coaching over the phone or via video chat. If you live or work near Ithaca, NY then we can meet in person.

We meet according to a schedule that works best for you. My standard package includes 1-hour sessions every other week. Everyone has different needs and we customize the schedule, frequency, and duration together.

During coaching we explore topics to identify changes that you desire and actions that you can take to effect those changes. This includes whatever scope you’re comfortable with, from career to life, from managing up to managing your emotions, from persuading others to persuading yourself.

Who is involved?

It’s just you and me. Even if your company pays my fee, it’s just you and me. Even if you want me to work with you and your top executive partners, coaching is a direct, person-to-person relationship. Everything communicated, verbally and non-verbally, is strictly confidential, not even to be summarized to someone else.